A free study app perfect for junior high school students exam preparation!1438 important basic questions for the four practical subjects studied in junior high school (health and physical education, home technology, art, and music)!The 4 practical subjects are also called the technical skills subject, the 4 practical subjects, and the sub-subjects, and specifically include the following four subjects: health and physical education, home technology, art, and music.Four-choice format for easy learning. This app is perfect for preparing for regular junior high school tests that cover important basic matters.This app ``Practical 4 subject study app for junior high school students is free.This app is part of the popular learning app "Hanpuku Series" which has been downloaded over 30 million times."Hanpuku" is a registered trademark of Gakko Net Co., Ltd.If you find any problems, we would appreciate it if you could contact us from the "Contact us" within the app.